Dr. Aya Amjad

Specialist of Hepatology (Liver Doctor)




10 minutes


500 EGP

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About doctor

Specialist in internal diseases, liver, digestive system and infectious diseases Master's degree in Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectious Diseases, Kasr Al-Aini Medicine Cairo University Services Treating patients with esophageal reflux disease, indigestion, and irritable bowel syndrome Following up on patients with fatty liver disease and providing them with a therapeutic nutrition plan Initial follow-up for diabetes and high blood pressure Follow-up of patients with immunocompromised liver disease Follow-up of patients with cirrhosis Detection and follow-up of patients with ulcerative colitis"


"أخصائي الامراض الباطنيه الكبد والجهاز الهضمي والامراض المعدية ماجستير الجهاز الهضمي والكبد والامراض المعدية طب قصر العيني جامعه القاهره الخدمات علاج مرضى ارتجاع المريء و عسر الهضم والقولون العصبي متابعه مرضى دهون الكبد مع تقديم خطه التغذيه العلاجيه لهم متابعه اوليه لمرض السكر والضغط متابعه مرضى الكبد المناعي متابعه مرضى التليف الكبدي الكشف والمتابعه لمرضى القولون التقرحي"

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(4.7) rated from 1 visitor

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Dr. Aya Amjad is affiliated with Vezeeta Medical Center
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1 visitor have reviewed Dr. Aya Amjad The overall rating for this doctor is (4.7) They have a 5 rating for Medical service and 5 for Waiting Area And ( 4 ) for Assistant . You can read individual reviews and ratings on their profile.here