Lecturer and Consultant of Ear, nose and throat, Kasr al ainy university hospitals
MD In-Ear, Nose, and Throat / Head and Neck Kasr El Aini, Faculty of Medicine Cairo University
Professor of
Cardiology and Vascular Disease (Heart)
Dr. Reda Abo EL Atta (expert of structural heart disease):
Prof Dr Reda Abo El Atta Professor of Cardiology and Interventional Catheterization and a pioneer and expert in the field of structural heart diseases (TAVI, mitral clip, placement of devices for septal defects, etc.)
He has performed thousands of operations in structural heart diseases.
Professor of
Cardiology and Vascular Disease (Heart)
Prof Dr Khaled Tammam professor of cardiology and intervention cardiology in national heart institute and expert of chronic total occlusion intervention (CTO)
He is a pioneer in the field of CTO and he did thousands of CTO procedures.
Professor of
Cardiology and Vascular Disease (Heart)
· Prof Dr Hesham Bahaa professor of cardiology and cardiac interventions in national heart institute.
consultant of cardiology -Aswan heart institute -president of vascular heart discare working group,Egyption society of cardiology -follow of American society of angiography of intervesnsion -follow of European society of cardiology FESC- Expert for complex coronary intervension including CTO,left main intervension and colcific lesion - Expert of vascular intervension and structural heart diseases TAVI,TMVI,PVL CLOSURES
Professor of
Cardiology and Vascular Disease (Heart)
Prof Dr Mohamed Abd El Meguid professor of cardiology and cardiac interventions in Kasr Alainy Cairo University, as well he is one of the structure heart disease team.
He is a pioneer in the field of interventions as he did thousands of procedures.
Professor of
Cardiology and Vascular Disease (Heart)
· Prof Dr Mamdouh El Tahan professor of cardiology and cardiac interventions in faculty of medicine Al Azhar University.
· He is a pioneer in the field of interventions as he did thousands of procedures.
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