Fellowship of
Psychiatry (Mental, Emotional or Behavioral Disorders)
Fellowship in Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment
Administrative Deputy of Abbassia Hospital for Psychiatric and Neurological Diseases
Egyptian Fellowship in Psychiatry
Addiction Treatment Physician at the Anti-Addiction Fund
_Treatment of Family and Sexual Relationship Problems
_Treatment of Personality Disorders for Adults and Adolescents
_Treatment and Follow-up of Aging Diseases Alzheimer's and Early Dementia
_Learning Difficulties in Children, Hyperactivity and Attention Deficit
_Motor and Language Delay
_School Delay
_Convulsions and Nervous Twitches for Children
Consultant of
Psychiatry (Mental, Emotional or Behavioral Disorders)
Professor and teacher of autistic behavioral science for children, member of the Psychoanalysis Association, and behavioral therapist for adults and children
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