Consultant of
Cardiology and Vascular Disease (Heart)
Consultant of cardiology, catheterization, and blood vessels, National Heart Institute (NHI) - In addition, MD of Cardiology, Ain Shams University - Specialized in diagnostic and therapeutic catheterization and stenting of coronary arteries, electrocardiograms, normal electrocardiograms, and echocardiograms.
Consultant of
Cardiology and Vascular Disease (Heart)
Consultant of cardiology
Benha teaching hospital
National heart institute
Saudi German hospital Jeddah
Member of Egyptian heart society
Member of European heart society
CMC ( New Cairo )425
New Cairo CMC New Cairo 5th Stelment North Teseen Street
Specialist of
Cardiology and Vascular Disease (Heart)
Cardiology and cardiac catheterization specialist
Egypt Air Hospital
Member of the Egyptian Society of Cardiology
Member of the European Society of Cardiology
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