Consultant internal medicine, digestive system and endoscopy
General internal medicine specialist, Al-Zohour Hospital
Liver and digestive system specialist, Dar Al Fawad Hospital
Dr Reham Samir is a consultant in hepatogastroenterology and infectious diseases. She got her MD certificate from faculty of medicine, Cairo university as well as MRCP (UK). Dr Reham has a good experience in the field of diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopies such as gastroscopy and colonoscopy. In addition, she is an expert in dealing with hepatic diseases such as hepatitis B and C, cases with liver cell failure and cases prepared for transplantation and follow up post transplant.
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General Practice treats different diseases including flu, cough, nausea and chronic diseases, focusing on the overall health of the patient, physical, psychological and social health
General practitioners treat different diseases including flu, cough, nausea and chronic diseases, focusing on the overall health of the patient, physical, psychological and social health