Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon Lecturer of Orthopedic Surgery Ain Shams University MD orthopaedic surgery ain shams university Nozha international hospital Cleopatra hospital ain shams university hospitals
Dr Mohamed Khalil Clinic
El Sheikh Zayed Sheikh Zayed Al Shabab Street Ritzy Mall next to Agora Mall and Antar Al Kababji clinic M213 second floor
PhD and Consultant Orthopedic Surgery and fractures. Industrial joint surgery and arthroscopy. Pediatric orthopedic surgery and treatment of deformities and osteoarthritis.
مدرس مساعد وأخصائي جراحة العظام و إصابات الملاعب
ماجستير جراحة العظام - جامعة عين شمس
زميلة كلية الجراحين الملكية ب أدنبره
عضو الجمعية العالمية لجراحة العظام (SICOT)
عضو الجمعية المصرية لجراحة العظام (EOA)
CliniDo helps you to find the best ortho in your area with the proper price.
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The cartilage helps to move without pain and smoothly, and if you have damage due to an injury that has not healed, the patient needs surgical intervention to complete his life naturally. Book with CliniDo best orthopedic surgeons.
Cartilage in the back diminishes the pressure on the backbones. The cartilage differs according to the type of cartilage. Furthermore, the cartilage process in the neck is very different from the knee cartilage.
Among the most important methods of preventing osteoporosis are avoiding smoking, engaging in physical exercise, and resolving any issues related to the thyroid gland, intestinal inflammation, or kidney diseases, as they can affect vitamin D, which is essential for calcium absorption
Whether scoliosis requires surgery depends on the individual case. Treatment methods vary based on factors such as age, and the earlier scoliosis is detected, the easier and safer the treatment tends to be