Internal and kidney diseases specialist, diabetes and system diseases, morbidity and resistance to diseases of insufficiency, failure and resistance to kidney transplantation
Internal medicine nephrology and diabetes specialist Armed forces hospitalsDoctorate in Internal Medicine and Nephrology from AlAzhar UniversityMember of the Egyptian Society of Kidney Diseases and TransplantationMember of the European Society of Kidney Diseases and TransplantationFollow up of cases of acutechronic renal failure dialysis and glomerulonephritisFollowup of kidney diseases and transplantation
Dr Mohammad Sobhy Waseya Clinic
El Zaitoun 81 Selim Alawal St Fahim Building 3rd Floor Helmeyet Elzaytoun Square
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Among the causes of kidney failure: are diabetes, high blood pressure (Hypertension), enlarged prostate gland, kidney stones, urinary bladder cancer, kidney cancer, and kidney infection.
It begins with an external examination, followed by examining the patient with a stethoscope, in addition to some special tests such as CBC, liver and kidney function tests, abdominal ultrasound, CT scan, MRI, and endoscopy.
Gastroenterology is a subspecialty of internal medicine and specialises in treating diseases of the digestive system, including diseases of the stomach, colon, and digestive tract.