Specialist and assistant professor of diagnostic and interventional radiology at Al-Azhar University Performing ultrasound waves (sonogram) of the abdomen, pelvis and thyroid gland, sonogram of the breast and testicles, vaginal sonogram and sonogram of pregnancy to determine the condition and type of the fetus, superficial sonogram of the different parts of the body and muscles, Doppler on the arteries of the neck and veins and arteries of the arms or feet, Doppler on the arteries and veins of the kidneys or liver, taking samples from the thyroid gland with painless interventional radiology, taking samples from breast tumors and various tumors with painless interventional radiology, draining fluids from the abdomen or chest with x-rays
It is an advanced medical specialty in which various medical imaging methods are used to treat many diseases. Including renal and gallstone diseases, simple chest images, patients with tumors in advanced stages, and patients with advanced heart problems who do not allow surgical intervention several techniques are used, including (X-rays, Ultrasound, CT, Nuclear Medicine, PET Scan, and Magnetic Resonance)
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CliniDo helps you find the best diagnostic radiologist in your area at a suitable price through the reviews of other people who visited the doctor before you and made a reservation for a diagnostic radiologist online.
The diagnostic radiology specialty diagnoses many diseases, including breast cancer, heart disease, carotid artery, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, anemia, appendicitis, arthritis and osteoporosis, blood clots and peripheral artery disease (PAD), and brain tumors.
The diagnostic radiology specialty diagnoses many diseases, including breast cancer, heart disease, carotid artery, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, anemia, appendicitis, arthritis and osteoporosis, blood clots and peripheral artery disease (PAD), and brain tumors