Nasr City Nozha St, Saudi Buildings, in front of the Air Defense House, Building 3, Fifth Floor, Apartment No. 1
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West El Balad 47 Mohamed Mahmoud St, First Floor
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Sidy Gaber 11 Amin Shuhaib Street from Aboqeer Street in front of the gate of the College of Specific EducationGround floor Apartment 1
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Psychiatry and addiction treatment is a cognitive behavioral treatment-specialized in :Family counseling-Detox treatment-Childrens brain and nerves-Adult brain and nerves-addiction cure-Learning difficulties-More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information.
ماجستير الطب النفسي والسلوك المعرفى-الزمالة المصرية للطب النفسي وأخصائي الطب النفسي -وعلاج الادمان والعلاج المعرفي السلوكي
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