Tima Tama Sh AlHurriya AlZayat Street in front of Hassan Majli Radiology Center next to the AlBir AlSalaamiya Boys Secondary School
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Qusia Assuit Alqussia Cinma Square above Altkamol Hospital
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Assiut City Assuit Alshimaa Building In Front Of Railway Station
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Consultant in urology infertility and sexual dysfunction at the Police Hospital in Asyut Consultant in urology for children and treatment of congenital defects and undescended testicles Treatment surgeries and endoscopy of urinary tract tumors Treatment fragmentation endoscopy and surgery of kidney ureter and bladder stones Treatment of infections enlargement and prostate tumors with surgery laser and endoscopy Treatment and surgeries of varicocele Treatment of involuntary urination Repair and surgeries of lacerations and strictures Urethral canal treatment of urinary tract infections and urinary incontinence treatment and surgeries for male diseases sexual weakness and male infertility
ماجستير جراحة ومناظير المسالك البوليه كلية الطب وا لزماله المصريه في المسالك البوليه
Medical service
Waiting Area
الشعور بالم في الخصية اليسري وملاحظه الالم اثناء الجلوس اكثر وملاحظته اثناء المواصلات
تحتاج لفحص أو عمل أشعه دوبلر علي الخصيتين